Aging With Grace is a new, weekly lifestyle podcast featuring topical information and products coupled with resources, stories, and services for aging well. This twice monthly series for seniors ages 65+ is an intriguing mix of topics and stories featuring active seniors leading full lives. Many of whom are certainly on the edge of planning to or already in the inevitable process of aging (hopefully:-) with grace. Aging is a time of application not diminishment! Experience has been one of our best teachers. Now is the time to share what we have learned in this novel AWG virtual community populated with maturing adults and families or others who care for them.
Numerous residents of independent, long-term care communities are invited to nominate another resident or themselves. Only need a minimum of one to grow into more residents sharing from one or more of the following areas:
• “I Remember When….” is an opportunity to share a story or fond memory about a place or thing • that was once quite common.
• A favorite recipe, i.e., Sage-Rubbed Pork Chops with Apple Slaw.
• A note to my younger self.
• Significant milestones including anniversaries, birthdays; significant life events.
• I always wanted to ________.
• ETC!
Again, we only need one resident (hopefully more!) to get the ball rolling for this fun community building exercise. Get creative in using 7-10 minutes of my podcast (audio only) to share something you are proud of or wish someone knew about you, a family member, or a friend. Unless given permission first names only will be used for each resident segment(s). Feel free to also send photos or brief emails, containing some if not all the above, for posting on Inspiring Senior Moments on my website
Recorded segments are available 24/7 for listening stations, small groups or individuals with computer access, phone, or tablet. Families and other loved ones also enjoy hearing your stories. In this process they just may learn something they did not know about you!