
A Salute to Veterans 2025

Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KYDVA) Commissioner Whitney Allen highlights the comprehensive support provided to the state’s 295,000 veterans and their families. Allen also emphasizes that every state has a Department of Veterans Affairs ready to help veterans access these essential resources. The KYDVA is dedicated to ensuring that veterans receive the full range of benefits and services they’ve earned, regardless of where they are in their post-service journey. 

Thank you for your service to a grateful nation.

The Importance of Fitness as You Age

Did you know regular exercise helps manage or prevent chronic diseases common in older adults? Jim Aneszko, owner and CEO of AnyTime Fitness, discusses why fitness is particularly important as we age. Including some common misconceptions about aging and working out on a regular basis.  Jim also shares some key insights from working in the senior care industry. Episode also includes the role of strength and balance exercises in preventing falls and the impact  physical activity has on mental and emotional well-being. 

Helping Soldiers Transition to Society

Rev. Dr. James Thurman, State Commander & Second Vice  for NABVETS, comments on the creation of and need for the National Association of Black Veterans. Soldiers of color coming home were not allowed to join veteran associations. So in 1972 NABVETS was issued a Congressional Charter in the tradition of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), American Legion, etc. Today NABVETS help ensure that all veterans who come out of their service are not lost but have a way to help them to go back to lead a healthy life.

Contact NABVETS.com to learn more information about the services provided. Including Demise Benefits, Long Term Care, Caregiver Support and more. Each one essential to ensuring veterans receive the respect they deserve in making the sometimes-difficult transition from active duty to civilian life.

Please visit NABVET.org to register for its National Conference, September 4th – 8th in Louisville, Kentucky. Theme: “Honoring the Past and Inspiring the Future”.

2024 AARP Challenge Grant Recipient Appalshop

With this year’s major investment, across the eight years of the program (2017-2024) AARP has invested $20.1million through over 1,700 grants to make communities more livable.  Interim Executive Director Tiffany Studivant and Operations Director Roger May discuss how being a grantee helps build even more momentum for Appalshop’s mission which includes livability for residents of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities.  This grant is even more timely given the small town of Jenkins (2010 Census population of 2100 people) continues to slowly recover following devastating flood waters that heavily damaged  Appalshop and thousands of residents across eastern Kentucky were left without homes.   Roger also addresses overcoming the barriers of being rural while Tiffany shares her thoughts on the importance of what she terms “the magic of art” affecting citizens’ identities and mental health in small, tight knit communities like Jenkins.

John Tesh Creates On-Line Music Course

John Tesh is internationally recognized for his diverse talents as a journalist, composer, broadcaster, concert pianist, and author. His online course, the John Tesh Piano Method, available at Tesh.com, was developed after surveying his nearly 2 million social media followers. One of the most requested topics was advice on how to improve memory.

A recent study published by the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry suggests that playing a musical instrument can help keep the brain healthy in old age, particularly for those with dementia. The study’s authors recommend incorporating music playing into a lifestyle approach to maintaining brain health.

Earlier this year, the Emmy Award-winning musician launched his online course, which teaches anyone how to play the piano without reading sheet music or learning complex music theory.   In a candid interview, Tesh also discusses highlights from his inspirational memoir, Relentless: Unleashing a Life of Purpose, Grit, and Faith. The candid memoir covers his recovery from “serious, stage3-plus” cancer diagnosis, key moments from his extensive broadcasting career at CBS and NBC, and his ten years as co-host of “Entertainment Tonight.” Throughout his career, Tesh has earned three gold albums and six Emmys for his best selling albums and singles.

Taxes In Retirement

Retirement concerns for most people tend to center on health, and fear of outliving their savings. Which are in many ways intertwined. For example, your health plays into how long you can work, how much you’ll need to spend on insurance and medical care, where you can live, and your quality of life in retirement.  All complicated by taxes. John Watson, from dpl Financial Partners, returns to share his holistic approach to creating a plan that might help you avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Hildegard House & Vote Kentucky

Past AARP Purpose Prize winner Karen Cassidy discusses the Hildegard House (www.hildegardhouse.org) which is Kentucky’s first and only comfort care home. Through the support of the community and help of many volunteers, it provides a home and compassionate care for individuals at the end of life who have no home or loved one ones to care for them so that they die with dignity. As a co-member of Sisters of Loretto (based in Nerinx, Kentucky) she is also a palliative care nurse by profession. KY Democratic and Republican Parties will hold primary elections in May. Secretary of State Michael G. Adams returns to share important information including how to register on line to vote, the need for poll workers, and safeguards in place to minimize ballot tampering or voter fraud.  More information available by visiting  govote.ky.gov

Tax Investing Around Election Cycles

Running out of money during retirement is the concern that consistently ranks as the No. 1 fear of retirees. John Watson, from dpl Financial Partners, shares his holistic approach to financial planning using a time proven combination of managed assets, annuities, income and protection strategies. Other topics include effects of the 2017 Tax Cut & Jobs Act scheduled, pending Congressional action,  to sunset soon  in addtion to standard deductions that are also in jeopardy.

Volunteer President Adkins Reflects on Legislation Affecting Seniors

State Board Volunteer President Gary Adkins shares how AARP / KY is encouraging Congress to act before 447,000 Kentucky families lose access to affordable, reliable internet through the Affordable Connectivity Program.  Plus proposed changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in House Bill 367 and other hot topics at the state and federal level. He also reflects on the effectiveness of  AARP / Kentucky Lobby Day.

Market Trends for Retirees and Grandparent Merit Badges

On average a 65-year-old in the U.S. can expect to live a little more than 20-25 more years. With a 50 % – 65% chance they will still be alive at age 95, the ideal retirement plan involves generating multiple streams of income to provide both stability and tax flexibility in retirement. David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial, shares market trends and importance of annuities to help navigate a potentially volatile market in 2024.    Dave Grunenwald has created quality paperback bound Keepsake Activity Journals as a simple solution to “I’m bored “.  His Grandparent Merit Badges (GMB) are a very easy and inexpensive way to “Disconnect from the digital and reconnect with those who matter most”.  Imagine collecting Merit Badges around doing simple activities, like flying a kite, baking cookies,  gardening,  going for a walk, or watching a movie! Activities designed to build warm, lasting relationships with aging grandparents or seniors.  Available on Amazon as a keepsake for years to come.

Huge Growth in Annuities and Social Media for Seniors

David Lau, founder, and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, discusses the surge in annuities compared to the previous year.  Including solutions and benefits annuities provide in peace of mind for building or protecting investment portfolios in retirement.  Greg Lozano, Branch of Wellness Counseling in San Antonio, Texas, discusses “Healthy Living in the Age of Social Media” for aging adults.  Be sure to read his article in the online September edition of Healthy Aging magazine. We’ve all heard the phrase “let’s make a toast “at a wedding or dinner honoree.  Did you know this phrase originated in the Middle Ages? Thanks to U.S, History Facts.com enjoy learning more including how this term came into common use today!

Holiday Classic “White Christmas” at The Rosemary Clooney Museum

The Rosemary Clooney Museum features costumes and props from the popular movie “White Christmas”. This holiday musical classic stars Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye as a singing duo who befriend and become romantically involved with the beautiful Haynes sisters played by Kentuckian Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. Crosby’s hit song “White Christmas” was the number one record in the U.S. for 11-weeks straight and remains to date the bestselling single in the history of music.   Former Miss America Heather French Henry and her husband Steve discuss curating the museum.  Including collecting costumes and other movie-set paraphernalia from the 1954 classic of the same name about two song-and-dance men who team up after the war and plot to help their former commander save his rural Vermont inn.

S3 / E12: New State Director for AARP / KY & Volunteer Spotlight: Operation Parent

This episode welcomes Troy J. Broussard to the new role as the State Director for Kentucky in the South Region. He brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the AARP mission.  The proud Desert Storm Army Veteran and native of Louisiana shares his passion for leading the AARP Kentucky staff and volunteer teams working to enhance the lives of the 50+ community throughout the state.  Volunteer Spotlight: Jean Schumm, founder and President of Operation Parent, discusses several challenges to the traditional family including her thoughts on the biggest threat to our children /grandchildren today. Parents are the #1 influence in the lives of their children. She stresses how important it is to understand the dangers our kids and grandkids are exposed to. Did you know volunteers age 50+are less likely to develop high blood pressure and are more likely to increase physical activity and decrease stress?   Studies also show volunteering combats depression.   Including people who volunteer at two+ organizations have a 63% lower mortality rate than non-volunteers.  Additionally, volunteers working with AARP/KentuckyOperation Parent, or wherever they call home in the United States can enjoy meeting new people while serving others.

S3 / E11: Aging In Place, Effective Planning for Caregiving & Origins of an Audio Empire

Architect Aaron Murphy shares his passion for housing that allows for Aging In Place in your own community. Technology is pivoting.  Medicine is advancing.  But according to this Certified Aging In Place Specialist, home design hasn’t changed much since WWII as builders are still erecting two-story homes.   The founder of Foreverhome-us.com shares the good news from Chicago to Tokyo on how planning and acting NOW specifically creates benefits for the homeowner to age in place beyond simple DiY handrails.  Director Amy Arnette from dpl financial partners returns to discuss financial challenges around Caregiving.  Genworth reports 66% of Caregivers are paying from personal savings and retirement income to provide care for aging parents.   Absent proper financial planning for Long Term care can crater individual income or family savings.  Amy shares the importance of customizing financial plans given 10,000 Americans started turning 65 years old every day!  Episode concludes with origin story of AMPEX as a shining example of toiling in obscurity to build an international brand that at the death of its founder was worth half-a-billion dollars.

S3 / E10: Long Term Care Plans Protect Assets, ‘Madness’ at Sea and Community MetroMorphosis

Amy Arnette,  director, Insurance Solutions with dpl Financial, discusses why Long Term Care planning is essential to protecting your financial assets.   She shares how getting to choose your care setting can become a reality for successfully aging in place.  How many of us check off a bucket list of great adventures we want to have for fun? Well, Julia Inman and her husband Terry Brabb did just that; purchasing a 45′ catamaran and living at sea for five and a half years!  Trying to decide the name of their boat was so frustrating until Julia said of the process “This is madness!‘ which became its moniker (Madness)!  After being displaced by Hurricane Katrina, Raymond A. Jetson launched “MetroMorphosis” challenging perceptions about Black and brown people who live in inner-city communities, and the narrative about those very communities.  Foundational to his work is Raymond’s fervent belief that inner-city neighborhoods are teeming with assets and resources that can be activated or repurposed.   Former Pastor Jetson’s oft-repeated mantra is: “The resources necessary to transform urban communities cannot be imported exclusively but must begin with identifying and nurturing what already exists.”

S3 / E9: Alzheimer’s Claims a Legend, Generating Retirement Income, and Mums The Word

Recently singer Tony Bennett, whom the New York Times labelled as “Jazzy Crooner of the American Songbook”, succumbed to the ravages of Alzheimer’s. Despite being diagnosed with the disease in 2016 he could amazingly still remember song lyrics even as the disease ravaged his mind. Including winning another Grammy Award in 2021 with Lady Gaga for their album Love for Sale. Kim Baker, President, and CEO of Kentucky Performing Arts, discusses this amazing feat of Tony remembering lyrics despite fading memories. Pensions have become a thing of the past. Getting a gold watch at retirement is long gone as employees are now responsible for their retirement plans. Willie Jones, from DPL Financial Partners, returns to discuss how annuities and other products can help retirees generate income for life. Fun Factoid: episode concludes with the evolutionary funk of primitive to modern men and women.  Various remedies were used by the Egyptians, Ancient Greeks, Romans, and through the Middle Ages of Europe. All in vain until 1888 when Edna Murphey, a U.S. inventor created an amazing product in Philadelphia, PA. Effectively combating the Dog Days of Summer, it eventually grew into a multi-billion-dollar industry in the mid-1950s.

S3 / E8:Understanding Income vs. Assets in Retirement and Kids Cancer Alliance

Make sure your retirement can generate income for life. Willie Jones from DPL Financial Partners discusses common risks associated with retirement planning today including income versus assets.  Regardless of your age or life situation, volunteering can help take your mind off your worries, keep you mentally stimulated, and add more zest to your life. Shelby Russell, Executive Director of  the Kids Cancer Alliance, discusses how volunteering your skills, time, and resources, SOME place, ANY place, is one of the most potent ways to make a difference.  Fun Factoid:  this one  about the origins of two essential products for protecting your skin from the sun. 

S3 / E7: Retirement for ‘Repurposed’ AARP Kentucky State Director

Ron Bridges

Ron Bridges reflects on his stellar 27-year career with AARP. He first joined AARP in 1997 and was promoted to AARP Kentucky State Director in September 2012. This special retirement edition includes Regional VP John B. Caine, II, South Region Vice President, for AARP. He manages the recruitment, development, supervision, and evaluation process of State Directors (including Mr. Bridges) and Regional office staff. AARP currently has 38 million members.

S3 / E6: Reluctant Caregiving Part 2, Financial Security of MYGAs and Beware New Scams

Episode 6 opens with the conclusion of my interview with delightful sisters JJ Elliott Hill and sister Natalie Handy who share the complex realities of caring for an aging loved one. Their podcast series “Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver” is advertised as a judgement free zone where caregivers can be their most authentic selves, confessing their truths without shame or fear of rejection. David Lau, founder, and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, returns to discuss the benefits of MYGAs which is a Multi-Year Guaranteed Annuity product gaining popularity especially following recent bank collapses. More information about MYGAs can be found at dplfp.com. LaDonna Koebel, Executive Director of the Office of Senior Protection and Mediation in the Kentucky Office of the Attorney General, discusses types of scams that pop up following natural disasters. She also shares prevention tips like how seniors can protect themselves from more popular scams focused on grandchildren.

S3 / E5: Challenges of Care Giving, Protecting Your Retirement and New Technology for Seniors

Part 1 of a two-part interview with delightful sisters JJ and Natalie who share the complex realities of role reversal with their mom from their podcast series “Confessions of a Reluctant Caregiver.” Given recent bad news of a bank collapse David Lau from DPL Financial Partners discusses alternative strategies for retirement planning. Tech writer Vanessa Hutchinson shares how to embrace technology. E5 concludes with names of several famous people who were “failures”.

S3 / E4: Kentucky’s Champion for Life at 50+

Volunteer and retiring Board Chair Charlotte Whittaker reflects on her leadership of AARP Kentucky. Including comments from Scott Wegenast, Associate State Director for Communications & Outreach. Then enjoy the story about an American inventor who after 10,000 attempts truly changed the world.

S3 / E3: Roots-101 African American History Museum & Investing in the New Year!

David Lau, Founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, returns to share his insights on a new year of investment opportunities for the day-to-day to investor or retirement planning. Founder & CEO Lamont Collins shares the success of Roots 101 African American History Museum which has been named one of Architectural Digest’s 2020 list of the top 20 museums worldwide, one of USA Today’s Top 10 Best New attractions of 2021, and was a recipient of the 2021 Ford Foundation Grant.

S3 /E2: Fashion Designer Diane Gilman & Financial Guru David Lau

Meet Diane Gilman who is a pro-age advocate, fashion designer, and creator of DG2 jeans for women. She had her greatest success selling 19 million pairs of DG2 jeans at age 60 on QVC/HSN. Enjoy the origin story of David Lau, Founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners. David shares the beginning of his stellar career at E Trade Bank and Telebank which was the nation’s first internet bank. Then discover how someone who began selling watches in 1887 and hired a repair man to fix them in 1889 launched an iconic consumer shopping experience that lasted 132 years!

S3 /E1: Acclaimed Newspaper Columnist Bob Hill & Get Organized

with Ashley!

Bob Hill reflects on an esteemed career that includes writing 4,000 newspaper columns and his now closed whimsical eight acre Hidden Hill Nursery & Sculpture Garden. Closet and space organzier Ashley Gude from Ashley Organizes returns to discuss the calm that comes from organizing living space into minimalist safe havens.

S2 /E12: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky!

Secretary of State Michael G. Adams addresses numerous urban myths while reassuring Kentuckians their votes are protected in the upcoming mid-term election cycle. For more information visit Vote Safe Kentucky.gov Also enjoy some political trivia including origins of our 2500-year-old democratic process!

S2 /E11: Molo Village, Retirement Tool for Financial Well Being, and Origins of an Iconic Condiment

2023 AARP Purpose Prize Winner Reverend Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson, President & CEO of MOLO Village, CDC, reflects on the mission of her organization located in an economically depressed area. David Lau, President & CEO of DPL Financial Partners, discusses RISA as one of his firm’s popular retirement tools. Episode ends with the incredible story of international success while facing financial ruin after the Civil War.

S2 /E10: Guaranteed Income for Life and Managing Care for Aging Mother

Numerous surveys indicate seniors fear running out of money in retirement. David Lau, Founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, shares their scientific researched Guaranteed Income Analysis (GIA) tool designed to allay these concerns. Debbie Burdof shares insights into the challenging and practical sides of providing and coordinating care giving for her aging mother. Including the importance of “giving yourself and family grace” during this transitional phase.

S2 /E9: The Journey from Corporate to Non-Profit to Retiree & Beware: Fraud Alerts and Scams

Larry M. McDonald has served in significant leadership roles for more than forty years. Prior to retiring from the Lincoln Foundation Larry was a corporate executive who held numerous leadership roles at Humana, Inc., including Human Resources. Specifically in the areas of diversity, employee relations, and management development. Gary Adkins, now a volunteer with AARP / KY, was an assistant Commonweath Attorney for 18 years. His experience includes prosecuting two defendants who defrauded investors of over seven million dollars in violation of the KY Securities Act.

S2/E8: What I Know Now & Healthy Brain Aging Across the Bluegrass

Learn more from an interview with Steve McCrocklin as it appears in the summer edition of Today’s Transitions magazine with a focus on Intentions. Diagnosed with dyslexia as a child Stephen, and Claudia his wife and business partner, co-founded Langsford Learning Acceleration Centers. More information available at weteachreading.com. Elizabeth Rhodus, Ph.D., discusses the pilot program “Healthy Brain Aging Across the Bluegrass” which she is leading as part of the mission of UK’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging & Alzheimer’s. For more information, please email elizabeth.rhodus@uky.edu or call 859.257.5562.

S2/E7: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky! Part 2

Conclusion of an interview with Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams who discusses how to register, check or change voter registration online voter portal GOVOTEKY.com. Other topics discussed include emphasizing the need for 15,000 precinct workers for May 17th Primary Elections. For more information visit GOVOTEKY.com.

S2/E6: The Psychology of Investing, Part One: The Risk Adverse & The Follower

 Preserving wealth becomes a major concern given Americans age 55+ will spend one third of their life in retirement. Annuities as a potentially attractive option. However, the fear factor sometimes prevents those over age 55 from risking any type of investment and those who do fall into four categories. In Part One of a Two Part series David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, discusses two of the four typical investor personalities: (1) The Risk Adverse and (2) The Follower. Seasoned writer Lucy M. Pritchett shares short trip ideas for seniors. Episode 6 concludes with the story of a determined young man who despite numerous failures built a recognized brand for shoppers.

S2/E5: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky!

Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams discusses a new online Voter Services Portal, absentee drop-boxes for ballots and other topics while also emphasizing the need for 15,000 precinct workers for May 17th Primary Elections. For more information visit GOVOTEKY.com.

S2/E4: From Nurse to Hospital CEO and University Provost

Part 2 of interview with OBGYN specialist Dr. William T. “Bill” Baker. Dr. Joanne Berryman reflects on her career in healthcare from nurse to senior VP and later CEO. Including as former University Provost. AARP Historian Emerita Lilly Liu shares “Pearls of Wisdom” collected from writings of Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884- 1967), educator and founder of AARP.

S2/E3: AARP Foundation Provides $1 Million In Tornado Relief 

On December 10, 2021, an EF3 tornado ripped across 200 miles taking lives and destroying several communities in the western part of Kentucky. AARP Foundation provided $1 million in grants for ten agencies providing support for tornado victims. This Special Edition  focuses on how residents in the affected areas can access these much needed funds. Guests: Carla Brown, Executive Director Community Action of Southern Kentucky (Bowling Green) / $50,000.00; Jill Collins, Director of Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living / $50,000.00; and Charlotte Whittaker, President of Kentucky AARP.

S2/E2: Senior Hikes Appalachian Trail & OBGYN Hangs Up Stethoscope

At age 60 + Mike Thompson shares his on going experiences hiking the entire 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. Jeanne Freibert from JeanneFreibertStudio.com shares background and training for her creative artwork and Dr. William T. “Bill” Baker discusses life after 40-years as an OBGYN.

S2/E1: Heather French Henry Discusses Resources for Veterans and Traveling Exhibit “White Christmas”

Most people know her as Miss America 2000. Throughout her life Heather French Henry has also been an advocate for veterans. As the daughter of a Vietnam veteran, she has passionately assisted and honored those who served our country. This episode includes a discussion of free services for citizen soldiers.  Heather also shares her family’s passion for collecting rare artifacts and set pieces from the holiday movie classic “White Christmas” on display at the Rosemary Clooney Museum.

E11: Home Makeovers for the Less Fortunate and a Shot of Hope

Gerry Harrah shares her passion decorating living spaces for victims of spousal abuse, former drug addicts, alcoholics and others on the fringes of society. Jacqueline Teague, 17, and Amelie Beck, 15, created VaxConnectKY which has so far helped 2,000 non-computer savvy senior citizens register on line for the COVID 19 vaccination. David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, shares simplicity of annuities as a possible investment tool for retirement. Despite numerous setbacks the remarkable story of the 17-years Soichi Honda invested in building a multi-billion dollar motorcycle and automobile company.

E10: Family History & Artistic Pursuits

Retiree Mona Loy shares fond memories including journals and train logs written by her Great Grandfather from 1919 – 1931. In the segment “Starting Over” former marketing executive Elaine Davis discusses finally pursuing her passion for painting what she calls affordable art.

E9:  Orthopedic Surgeon Stephen L. Henry, M.D. Discusses Prostate Cancer

As easily preventable as colorectal cancer is, Prostate Cancer remains second leading cause of death among men. Former LT Governor and Orthopedic Surgeon Stephen L. Henry, M.D. shares his personal journey with this highly treatable cancer when caught at an early stage.

E8: Vietnam Veteran, iKnow Expo and Investing in Your Future

Retired large animal veterinarian Carle Pippin shares his passion for fellow veterans as a tireless community volunteer. New Beginnings segment features Gale Reece, founder of iKnow Expo, a care givers conference for Seniors and those with disabilities. David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial, discusses options to consider while planning for or already retired. Also enjoy an amazing story of a good thing that happened out of sheer desperation. The iKnow expo is Saturday September 11th 10 am – 3 pm at the Lexington Senior Center.

E7: Elder Connections & New Beginnings

Dr. Nancy Henkin, Sr. Fellow with Generations United, discusses expanding the role of Elders in lives of kids and community. Entrepreneur Michael D. Teague discusses his forthcoming book, “Re-Launching at Mid-Life: Creating the Change You Have To Make”. Dr. Dale Tarver reflects on rebuilding her life and medical practice in Georgia in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina which devastated New Orleans.  We also hear from  AARP Historian Emerita Lily Liu who has become a fierce national advocate on addressing issues related to caregiving.

E6: Polypharmacy, Hosparus Part 2, Success of an Aging Dreamer

Dr. Dimitra Antimisiaris discusses Polypharmacy commonly defined as the use of five or more medications daily by an individual. Part 2 of an interview with Kenya Whitfield discussing services provided by Hosparus. Episode 6 concludes with the story of a dreamer who tasted sour defeat long before ever savoring the sweet taste of success.

E5: Man Loses 100-Pounds, Personal Alzheimer’s Experience from Nazareth Home, Couple Married in ’69 Share Fond Memories

Chuck Bent shares his story of losing 100 pounds. Nazareth Home President & CEO Mary Haynes discusses her professional and family experience with Alzheimer’s disease. Vic and Colleen Bitter, married in 1969, share fond memories. Concludes with an inspirational story about a boy everyone dismissed as a nobody but as an adult became somebody who attracted international fame and fortune.

E4: Hospurus, AARP Volunteer Charlotte Whitaker, and the Woman Who Built a $90-Million  Empire from Her Kitchen

Part 1 of 2 Part Interview featuring Hosparus Community Outreach manager Kenya Whitfield. Charlotte Whitaker shares some of her favorite memories traveling with Seniors ages 70+ whom she fondly calls “No Goes, Slow Goes, and Go-Goes’. Hear the backstory of a woman who built a pie cooking enterprise which she later sold years later for $90-million dollars.

E3: Thrive Center (Part 2), More Downsizing Tips, Sr. Olympic Race Walker and “Pearls of Wisdom” with Lily Liu

Conclusion of two-part interview with Sheri Rose, CEO of Thrive Center. Ashley Gude returns with more tips and ideas for downsizing or simply ‘calming the chaos’ so people can focus on living life. We also catch up with Sr. Olympian Race and Power Walker Charlie Waller.

E2: Thrive Center (Part 1), Downsizing Tips, Senior Pickleball Olympian, and “Pearls of Wisdom” with Lily Liu

In Part 1 of a 2-part interview CEO Sheri Rose provides an overview of innovative programs and services Thrive Center provides for aging well. Also part 1 of a 2 part interview with closet organizer Ashley Gude offering tips and ideas for downsizing or simply ‘calming the chaos’ so people can focus on living life. Followed by an interview with national Senior Games competitor Bob Stacey who is also Kentucky’s official Pickleball Ambassador for the USA Pickleball Association. Last but not least Lily Liu returns with more Pearls of Wisdom from Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884-1967).

The New Normal of Telemedicine

Dr. Thaddeus J. Bell, MD, from Charleston, S.C. discusses the new normal of Telemedicine which presents challenges and new opportunities for senior patients. Lily Liu, Historian Emerita for AARP  in Washington, D.C. , shares some Pearls of Wisdom from Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884-1967),  elder rights activist and founder of AARP.


S3 /E1: Acclaimed Newspaper Columnist Bob Hill & Get Organized

with Ashley!

Bob Hill reflects on an esteemed career that includes writing 4,000 newspaper columns and his now closed whimsical eight acre Hidden Hill Nursery & Sculpture Garden. Closet and space organzier Ashley Gude from Ashley Organizes returns to discuss the calm that comes from organizing living space into minimalist safe havens.

S2 /E12: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky!

Secretary of State Michael G. Adams addresses numerous urban myths while reassuring Kentuckians their votes are protected in the upcoming mid-term election cycle. For more information visit Vote Safe Kentucky.gov Also enjoy some political trivia including origins of our 2500-year-old democratic process!

S2 /E11: Molo Village, Retirement Tool for Financial Well Being, and Origins of an Iconic Condiment

2023 AARP Purpose Prize Winner Reverend Dr. Jamesetta Ferguson, President & CEO of MOLO Village, CDC, reflects on the mission of her organization located in an economically depressed area. David Lau, President & CEO of DPL Financial Partners, discusses RISA as one of his firm’s popular retirement tools. Episode ends with the incredible story of international success while facing financial ruin after the Civil War.

S2 /E10: Guaranteed Income for Life and Managing Care for Aging Mother

Numerous surveys indicate seniors fear running out of money in retirement. David Lau, Founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, shares their scientific researched Guaranteed Income Analysis (GIA) tool designed to allay these concerns. Debbie Burdof shares insights into the challenging and practical sides of providing and coordinating care giving for her aging mother. Including the importance of “giving yourself and family grace” during this transitional phase.

S2 /E9: The Journey from Corporate to Non-Profit to Retiree & Beware: Fraud Alerts and Scams

Larry M. McDonald has served in significant leadership roles for more than forty years. Prior to retiring from the Lincoln Foundation Larry was a corporate executive who held numerous leadership roles at Humana, Inc., including Human Resources. Specifically in the areas of diversity, employee relations, and management development. Gary Adkins, now a volunteer with AARP / KY, was an assistant Commonweath Attorney for 18 years. His experience includes prosecuting two defendants who defrauded investors of over seven million dollars in violation of the KY Securities Act.

S2/E8: What I Know Now & Healthy Brain Aging Across the Bluegrass

Learn more from an interview with Steve McCrocklin as it appears in the summer edition of Today’s Transitions magazine with a focus on Intentions. Diagnosed with dyslexia as a child Stephen, and Claudia his wife and business partner, co-founded Langsford Learning Acceleration Centers. More information available at weteachreading.com. Elizabeth Rhodus, Ph.D., discusses the pilot program “Healthy Brain Aging Across the Bluegrass” which she is leading as part of the mission of UK’s Sanders-Brown Center on Aging & Alzheimer’s. For more information, please email elizabeth.rhodus@uky.edu or call 859.257.5562.

S2/E7: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky! Part 2

Conclusion of an interview with Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams who discusses how to register, check or change voter registration online voter portal GOVOTEKY.com. Other topics discussed include emphasizing the need for 15,000 precinct workers for May 17th Primary Elections. For more information visit GOVOTEKY.com.

S2/E6: The Psychology of Investing, Part One: The Risk Adverse & The Follower

 Preserving wealth becomes a major concern given Americans age 55+ will spend one third of their life in retirement. Annuities as a potentially attractive option. However, the fear factor sometimes prevents those over age 55 from risking any type of investment and those who do fall into four categories. In Part One of a Two Part series David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, discusses two of the four typical investor personalities: (1) The Risk Adverse and (2) The Follower. Seasoned writer Lucy M. Pritchett shares short trip ideas for seniors. Episode 6 concludes with the story of a determined young man who despite numerous failures built a recognized brand for shoppers.

S2/E5: Special Edition: Vote Safe Kentucky!

Kentucky Secretary of State Michael G. Adams discusses a new online Voter Services Portal, absentee drop-boxes for ballots and other topics while also emphasizing the need for 15,000 precinct workers for May 17th Primary Elections. For more information visit GOVOTEKY.com.

S2/E4: From Nurse to Hospital CEO and University Provost

Part 2 of interview with OBGYN specialist Dr. William T. “Bill” Baker. Dr. Joanne Berryman reflects on her career in healthcare from nurse to senior VP and later CEO. Including as former University Provost. AARP Historian Emerita Lilly Liu shares “Pearls of Wisdom” collected from writings of Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884- 1967), educator and founder of AARP.

S2/E3: AARP Foundation Provides $1 Million In Tornado Relief 

On December 10, 2021, an EF3 tornado ripped across 200 miles taking lives and destroying several communities in the western part of Kentucky. AARP Foundation provided $1 million in grants for ten agencies providing support for tornado victims. This Special Edition  focuses on how residents in the affected areas can access these much needed funds. Guests: Carla Brown, Executive Director Community Action of Southern Kentucky (Bowling Green) / $50,000.00; Jill Collins, Director of Area Agency on Aging and Independent Living / $50,000.00; and Charlotte Whittaker, President of Kentucky AARP.

S2/E2: Senior Hikes Appalachian Trail & OBGYN Hangs Up Stethoscope

At age 60 + Mike Thompson shares his on going experiences hiking the entire 2,200 mile Appalachian Trail. Jeanne Freibert from JeanneFreibertStudio.com shares background and training for her creative artwork and Dr. William T. “Bill” Baker discusses life after 40-years as an OBGYN.

S2/E1: Heather French Henry Discusses Resources for Veterans and Traveling Exhibit “White Christmas”

Most people know her as Miss America 2000. Throughout her life Heather French Henry has also been an advocate for veterans. As the daughter of a Vietnam veteran, she has passionately assisted and honored those who served our country. This episode includes a discussion of free services for citizen soldiers.  Heather also shares her family’s passion for collecting rare artifacts and set pieces from the holiday movie classic “White Christmas” on display at the Rosemary Clooney Museum.

E11: Home Makeovers for the Less Fortunate and a Shot of Hope

Gerry Harrah shares her passion decorating living spaces for victims of spousal abuse, former drug addicts, alcoholics and others on the fringes of society. Jacqueline Teague, 17, and Amelie Beck, 15, created VaxConnectKY which has so far helped 2,000 non-computer savvy senior citizens register on line for the COVID 19 vaccination. David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial Partners, shares simplicity of annuities as a possible investment tool for retirement. Despite numerous setbacks the remarkable story of the 17-years Soichi Honda invested in building a multi-billion dollar motorcycle and automobile company.

E10: Family History & Artistic Pursuits

Retiree Mona Loy shares fond memories including journals and train logs written by her Great Grandfather from 1919 – 1931. In the segment “Starting Over” former marketing executive Elaine Davis discusses finally pursuing her passion for painting what she calls affordable art.

E9:  Orthopedic Surgeon Stephen L. Henry, M.D. Discusses Prostate Cancer

As easily preventable as colorectal cancer is, Prostate Cancer remains second leading cause of death among men. Former LT Governor and Orthopedic Surgeon Stephen L. Henry, M.D. shares his personal journey with this highly treatable cancer when caught at an early stage.

E8: Vietnam Veteran, iKnow Expo and Investing in Your Future

Retired large animal veterinarian Carle Pippin shares his passion for fellow veterans as a tireless community volunteer. New Beginnings segment features Gale Reece, founder of iKnow Expo, a care givers conference for Seniors and those with disabilities. David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial, discusses options to consider while planning for or already retired. Also enjoy an amazing story of a good thing that happened out of sheer desperation. The iKnow expo is Saturday September 11th 10 am – 3 pm at the Lexington Senior Center.

E7: Elder Connections & New Beginnings

Dr. Nancy Henkin, Sr. Fellow with Generations United, discusses expanding the role of Elders in lives of kids and community. Entrepreneur Michael D. Teague discusses his forthcoming book, “Re-Launching at Mid-Life: Creating the Change You Have To Make”. Dr. Dale Tarver reflects on rebuilding her life and medical practice in Georgia in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina which devastated New Orleans.  We also hear from  AARP Historian Emerita Lily Liu who has become a fierce national advocate on addressing issues related to caregiving.

E6: Polypharmacy, Hosparus Part 2, Success of an Aging Dreamer

Dr. Dimitra Antimisiaris discusses Polypharmacy commonly defined as the use of five or more medications daily by an individual. Part 2 of an interview with Kenya Whitfield discussing services provided by Hosparus. Episode 6 concludes with the story of a dreamer who tasted sour defeat long before ever savoring the sweet taste of success.

E5: Man Loses 100-Pounds, Personal Alzheimer’s Experience from Nazareth Home, Couple Married in ’69 Share Fond Memories

Chuck Bent shares his story of losing 100 pounds. Nazareth Home President & CEO Mary Haynes discusses her professional and family experience with Alzheimer’s disease. Vic and Colleen Bitter, married in 1969, share fond memories. Concludes with an inspirational story about a boy everyone dismissed as a nobody but as an adult became somebody who attracted international fame and fortune.

E4: Hospurus, AARP Volunteer Charlotte Whitaker, and the Woman Who Built a $90-Million  Empire from Her Kitchen

Part 1 of 2 Part Interview featuring Hosparus Community Outreach manager Kenya Whitfield. Charlotte Whitaker shares some of her favorite memories traveling with Seniors ages 70+ whom she fondly calls “No Goes, Slow Goes, and Go-Goes’. Hear the backstory of a woman who built a pie cooking enterprise which she later sold years later for $90-million dollars.

E3: Thrive Center (Part 2), More Downsizing Tips, Sr. Olympic Race Walker and “Pearls of Wisdom” with Lily Liu

Conclusion of two-part interview with Sheri Rose, CEO of Thrive Center. Ashley Gude returns with more tips and ideas for downsizing or simply ‘calming the chaos’ so people can focus on living life. We also catch up with Sr. Olympian Race and Power Walker Charlie Waller.

E2: Thrive Center (Part 1), Downsizing Tips, Senior Pickleball Olympian, and “Pearls of Wisdom” with Lily Liu

In Part 1 of a 2-part interview CEO Sheri Rose provides an overview of innovative programs and services Thrive Center provides for aging well. Also part 1 of a 2 part interview with closet organizer Ashley Gude offering tips and ideas for downsizing or simply ‘calming the chaos’ so people can focus on living life. Followed by an interview with national Senior Games competitor Bob Stacey who is also Kentucky’s official Pickleball Ambassador for the USA Pickleball Association. Last but not least Lily Liu returns with more Pearls of Wisdom from Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884-1967).

The New Normal of Telemedicine

Dr. Thaddeus J. Bell, MD, from Charleston, S.C. discusses the new normal of Telemedicine which presents challenges and new opportunities for senior patients. Lily Liu, Historian Emerita for AARP  in Washington, D.C. , shares some Pearls of Wisdom from Dr. Ethel Percy Andrus (1884-1967),  elder rights activist and founder of AARP.