Producer and Host

My name is A. Dale Josey and I am based in my adopted hometown of Louisville, Kentucky. This is an affordable and great place to live, work, and raise a family. Married a Kentucky woman and worked for several years at Kentucky Educational Television (KET) and later for both ABC-TV and CBS-TV affiliates in Lexington. Have always enjoyed broadcasting. Several exciting seasons of my life beyond television included working for a local and several premiere regional law firms. Later enjoyed teaching (Adjunct Professor) Marketing Legal Services and Practice Development at Brandeis School of Law in addition to presenting the same topic at national legal conventions.
A stint through politics includes employment as a Legislative Aide and later as an integral part of a mayoral campaign. Third and most recent season of employment features seven-years leading a non-profit into local prominence. In addition to a movie credit at the end of Surviving The Wild starring Jon Voight which, being forever young at heart, I still think is pretty cool!
I have missed broadcasting with no regrets especially having met or worked with some amazing people while accumulating some truly memorable experiences. Now, creating this national podcast, allows me to return to what I love and personally embrace while doing my best to age with grace.