Unedited Content
David Lau, founder and CEO of DPL Financial (25:06)
Gale Reece, founder of iKnow Expo (25:26)
Carle Pippin, retired large animal vet and recipient of AARP’s 2018 Andrus Award for Community Service (30:11)
Dr. Nancy Henkin, Sr. Fellow with Generations United, discusses expanding the role of Elders in lives of kids and community. (30:47)
Entrepreneur Michael D. Teague discusses his forthcoming book, “Re-Launching at Mid-Life: Creating the Change You Have To Make”. Fast forward to 4:23 to enjoy recorded interview. (25:09)
Vic and Colleen Bitter, married in 1969, share fond memories from 52-years of marriage. (26:06)